

My work is about everyday life, the domestic space, identity, motherhood, childhood, memories and longing.

My art practice explores the mundane and originates from the female body and its existence as a mother and artist. My work is mainly autobiographical - about the process of becoming identity-less and finding myself yet again in some strange foreign place- motherhood.

I use different media to investigate these topics; drawings, photography, video, performance and installation.

Italian born I moved to London in 1998. Graduating from Central Saint Martins College in 2005 I continued to work in my home studio. I’m the founder and curator of the Desperate Artwives project - a collective of self identify women artists who are also mothers/carers. I am the co-founder of Play the Race Card project and one of the founding mothers of Maternal Journal.

I am a hypnobirthing teacher, birth and postpartum Doula and I co-chair the Maternity Voices Partnership for Chelsea & Westminster and West Middlesex Hospitals. I recently illustrated a children’s book written by Mental Health Nurse Jane Fisher exploring Maternal Mental Health.

Last but certainly not list I am the mother of three children who are the inspiration and influencer of all the work I do.

If you’d like to know more about my other projects please follow the links

Twitter @amydignam3

Instagram @amyfdignam

Facebook @amydignam